Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer TIme

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! The sailing instructor job at TYC this summer. I spend the day hanging out with kids and teaching them how to sail. I swim and play and laugh and hang out in the sunshine. I like my coworkers and I am even getting the hang of how to work with the sobbing terrified eight year olds. What I can't figure out however, is how exactly the summer is passing so quickly, and how much I feel like I haven't seen ANYONE since I've been home. I have so little time after work and everyone is running around all over the place. YAY growing up I guess.
P.S. I happened to bring my camera on the ONLY day it has not been brilliantly sunny all summer. I'm so tan, at least for my red-headed alergic to the sun self.....hahaha so I guess I'm not that tan :)